3 quotes for July 2, 2021

Instead of opposing force by force, one should complete an opposing movement by accepting the flow of energy from it and defeat it by borrowing from it. This is the law of adaptation.

– Bruce Lee

While this sounds like something pertinent only to the martial arts, where we see folks flip folks over as they charge in, I think this is a relevant and powerful strategy in life as well. When we oppose force with force when we try to push away a thought rather than accept it when we refuse to accept what is - we are slogging for no reason.

The opposing movement is a hint. Use the opposing force. Sometimes, we don't need to fight it. Sometimes, we should let go.

The first mistake is never the one that ruins you. It is the spiral of repeated mistakes that follows [that ruin you/your good habit]. Missing once is an accident. Missing twice is the start of a new habit.

– James Clear

I wish I had read James many years ago. Through the process of self-experimentation, I've devised my own methods but James has the cheat code. Similar to Josh Hillis', the logic is straightforward and not confusing at all, and will make immediate sense.

My version of this is a guideline to myself. There are certain things I like to do daily. But it is no big deal if I skip them. But two days in a row - no way. I go out of my way to ensure that the second-day miss does not happen. For example, doing pranayama. It is a new habit that I've tried adding. It takes all of 10 minutes. But it is not yet second nature. But by having my guideline, my success rate is at least 50%, which is pretty good.

There are so many people working so hard and achieving so little.

– Andy Grove

If 40 hours are not enough, I don't think 80 is the answer. Or if 80 is the answer, I want to find a different answer.

Hard work is the key. But work is infinite. And time is finite. I think the key is to figure out which work to do with the finite time, rather than trying to make time stretch.

Thanks for reading!