as we complete one more revolution around the sun

I learned a few things this year. Most of them came from doing two things - writing and talking to people.

Writing allows me to construct my thoughts into clear words rather than vague notions.

Talking to people - finding their time and having a conversation and learning from them - has been another revelation. Normally, my conversations tend to be just about a specific issue i.e. problem to solve. But these conversations - some of them were solely for me to pick the other person's brain - were thought-provoking and has broadened my thinking.

Some other obvious things I re-learned this year and I am thinking of this entire post as a "note to self".

Do things that are outside my comfort zone. Interesting things seem to happen. Many don't work out but that's okay. Give things an honest shot and see what works.

Be less busy. Being busy just means I am doing too many things in an average fashion. Do lesser things, but much better.

Teach better. Coaching is the best part of my work. It is the part that does not feel like work at all. This is something I want to make a focused effort in getting better.

Focus on the fundamentals. Seems like a sensible thing to say. Now, where do I want to apply this on? What are the fundamentals there?

Listen better. I can be a better conversationalist. I can ask better questions.

Write better. I can work more on editing. And maybe having a plan.

Seek clarity.

Rather than leave it at these useful but abstract bits, what I need to do is apply them over the course of the coming weeks. That means breaking it down into actionable bits. Having a plan helps. That's always the hard bit - Where do you start? What do you actually focus on?