Get out of the way

Well-designed products and services should not require (much of) an instruction manual. It is a easy statement to make but execution is not easy or simple. When something is used or interacted with, the person interacting with it should be able to get to the crux of it intuitively.

Photo by Jean-Louis Paulin on Unsplash

Take the Rubix cube. You get your hands on one, and you pretty soon figure out what to do with it and start interacting with it. Apple has taken user experience to the next level by making it easy to interact with complex objects and applications. That's good design - where you let discovery and engagement and interactivity take control.

Look at many everyday objects - they are designed poorly. Even doors come with an instruction manual. Ever looked foolish pushing at a door you are supposed to pull at? I certainly have. And I've felt embarrassed by it - but it is the stupid designer's fault and not mine.

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

And I keep thinking, what does this mean for The Quad? We want to provide a systemic education for our students, most of whom are beginners to fitness. Lifting weights requires careful instruction and some training. At the same time, how can we get out of the way and let them explore and play and discover, while staying safe.

The right balance of coaching and getting out of the way - where is that Goldilocks zone! These kinda thoughts keep me fascinated, and help me constantly refine and redefine how we coach our students.