framework on being too regimented taking stock daily and weekly and adding these nudges and tweaks, and seeing if they help or not has been useful. And not constraining. I am in control, and that makes a world of a difference.
coaching a simple drill for listening I am thinking of a response even as the other person is finishing a sentence. To prolong the conversation, to say something witty. Or whatever. I've stopped listening fully.
coaching on procrastination I have identified and called myself out as a procrastinator. From studying the evening prior to an exam, to finishing a task a few hours before the deadline, that has been me for all of my life. Almost.
coaching Am I doing this right? We all have doubts. We all have questions. The simplest way to figure it out is by following that piece of advice, and exploring the limits of our skill daily, even if it is for just 5-10 minutes a day.
running on desired outcomes The only issue, and it was a huge one, was actually going running. I disliked it. Vehemently. I sucked at it. It was cold. It was hard. It required waking up early in the morning, which was not something I did. Did I mention I sucked at it?