diet on building your plate My advice to you is to not think about it as three macros but FOUR - think of vegetables as the fourth component on your plate. It is a must-have.
daily9 on calorie counting For a lot of us starting off a diet, calorie counting is the go-to method. As convoluted as it seems to be, it allows us to get a handle on a few important things when we look at a few days of eating and tally them up.
diet on cravings You decide to not eat sugar and everything is going well for the first 15 hours or so. You finish dinner and are watching some TV. About 15 minutes in, you suddenly have a hankering for some chocolates.
coaching how to read food labels Instead, focus on the big rocks - are you eating enough vegetables, getting enough protein, drinking enough water? For most of us, this is ample. If you are doing all this and want to step it up, sure, spend time reading food labels and all that.
coaching the camel's hump The human body's ability to store fat is a similar evolutionary marvel. We lived in times when calories and food was scarce. So, when we could store extra body fat, it was a boon. Each kilo of body fat is close to 8000 calories of energy. That's ample energy to fuel a lot more than one marathon!
coaching the what The hard part is not what to do. As I already told you, you know it. Heck, 10-year-olds know it. ... The hardest part of all is doing it, and believing in the process.
cooking Following a recipe I just don't understand much of it. I will just follow the recipe. And so, I'll never take any shortcuts (bad, I think). I won't know a few simple, daily, obvious sub-routines (like converting tomato into a paste). I will look them up all the time.
diet Making breakfast for the first time I went to grad school for Interaction Design at Indiana University, Bloomington. First-time I was living away from my home, and having to figure a bunch of things out that
ultimate The Irish Lion and SF Rec League My wife introduced me to Ultimate Frisbee when I was visiting Madras, just before I was due to move to Cupertino (2007). By the time I moved to San Francisco a year later, I was enjoying playing the sport. I found that there was
coaching Alcohol and Chocolates Whenever I go on vacation, either a real one where I actually go somewhere or just a vacation for my tummy, it almost always involves alcohol and chocolates (lots of it). I love chocolates. Drinking is fun when it is not the focus, and
Dan John interpreting Coach Dan John's matrix Most of us want to train hard all the time, and our nutrition varies from eating like crap all the time to being in the strictest craziest diet for a few weeks. How do we balance these two out?