show up Stronger Through Stillness How One Minute Can Change Everything IntroIf I had five minutes to chop down a tree, I’d spend the first three sharpening my axe.Sharpening your mindset is as important as sharpening your skills. During the pandemic, I added a one-minute meditation to
rules Friday Thought: Little Things Matter Give them a fist-bump. The person next to you. That person working by themselves in the corner. You've seen them but neither of you have ever said a word to each other. But that's okay. But give them a fist-bump next time you see them showing up!
coaching You never know what they are going through You never know if the person in front of you spent all week at the hospital, taking care of their ailing parent. But they showed up. Because this is their "me" time. This is where they can switch off for a brief hour.
daily9 Measure the Effort it is straightforward to recognise that it is a dumbed-down tool. A tool designed to solve a problem - sift through a large number of people and rank them. Then, put them into appropriate buckets.
coaching Student Story: Learn to Prioritise Yourself Strength does not mean lifting stupid weights and being huge. Strength means both inner and outer strength. Be strong enough, and a lot of good things follow.
framework How to solve the motivation issue Motivation, unfortunately, is not a tap you can turn on when you want to. Wanting something really hard and a lot is not adequate. You have to do the work. Obviously. And to do the work, you have to want to do the work.
Getting Started 30 minutes to start the change Start small. Start today. Don't waste time figuring out the best method. Pick something. Do it daily for 30 minutes. Don't second guess yourself. Don't pick something that yells fad.
coaching what we can learn about instant gratification from plants A lot of us fail on our journey towards better health and fitness because of poor mental models and mindset. Just like a plant takes love and care and time to yield results, you need to do the same in your journey.
coaching student story: on being unable to show up A story about a student who showed up all the time until work took off and several life events happened. And they couldn't show up. My thoughts on this.
discussion sometimes, showing up is not enough Is showing up enough? I certainly think so. But sometimes, when we are not showing up fully present, we can fool ourselves.
Getting Started 12 weeks on, 1 week off Even for someone like me who gets up regularly at 3.45 am, it takes a bit of effort to get back on.
coaching on forward progress anything works for 6 weeks. Even most silly, nonsensical things. The jolt to your system is crazy. If you are going from eating a giant candy bar 3 times a day to once a day, we are talking 14 giant candy bars lesser a week.
coaching on over-complication and understanding We tend to over-complicate things. The simple or the obvious sometimes seems too simple and/or obvious to be true.
coaching on procrastination I have identified and called myself out as a procrastinator. From studying the evening prior to an exam, to finishing a task a few hours before the deadline, that has been me for all of my life. Almost.
kettlebell learning the kettlebell swing; step 1/4 The kettlebell swing is a wonderful exercise and should be in everyone's toolbox. When done safely.
show up being stubborn enough to not give up As I look back at my fitness journey and write about it, I realise that I've done something significant - I've been stubborn to keep showing up and to not give up. Showing up and not quitting, are two out of the three of Coach Dan John's success formula.