ArvTraining Should you work out indoors or outdoors? It's not for everyone but for those of us who enjoy getting out, who will take the pebble along with the smooth path, the grime and grind.
framework solving it yourself vs using an expert Meeting a tax consultant meant paying more money. And interacting with people. And answering questions that I didn't want to answer - about savings, about financial planning, and about questions, I didn't know existed.
coaching thrash your arms about like you just don't care You jump into the pool and you start to flail your arms and legs in a wild fashion. With frenetic quantities of thrashing, you manage to stay afloat. Or so you thought. You sink to the bottom. Panic ensues. Someone kindly pulls you out of the water where you gasp and cough and hack your lungs out.
coaching on plateaus Plateaus are part of the game. They are part of the plan. Don't dread them. Expect them! They are an essential milestone on your journey.
ArvTraining enjoy it Most of all, it is important to enjoy the task. If I am not enjoying it, it means something's wrong. And I am going to stop doing this soon. Whatever it is. Even if it is a sport that I love playing.
coaching being in the moment This ends up energising me, and I feel mentally recharged and ready to take on the day. Emotionally, I feel in a much better place. Physically as well. I come out of my training session feeling a lot better than I went in.
coaching learn the kettlebell swing; step 2/4 Step 2 of the kettlebell swing - the BGBS and the sumo deadlift.
coaching realising the obvious It made me wonder how many times I've lost an opportunity because I've been too oblivious, too blinded by something frivolous, by my prejudices, by my emotional state. It still makes me think.
show up being stubborn enough to not give up As I look back at my fitness journey and write about it, I realise that I've done something significant - I've been stubborn to keep showing up and to not give up. Showing up and not quitting, are two out of the three of Coach Dan John's success formula.
Dan John interpreting Coach Dan John's matrix Most of us want to train hard all the time, and our nutrition varies from eating like crap all the time to being in the strictest craziest diet for a few weeks. How do we balance these two out?