diet Why That Person's Miracle Diet Didn't Work for You You are looking for something. You want social proof. The objective thinker, the "Show me the facts" person in you might not fall for it. But we all have moments of weakness and send that fellow away to the back room.
daily9 Measure the Effort it is straightforward to recognise that it is a dumbed-down tool. A tool designed to solve a problem - sift through a large number of people and rank them. Then, put them into appropriate buckets.
dont quit The Time Delay in Your Body and Why it is Useful It takes a while to build momentum. And it takes a few days for results to show.And sometimes, it won't show for a couple of weeks too.
coaching Student Story: Learn to Prioritise Yourself Strength does not mean lifting stupid weights and being huge. Strength means both inner and outer strength. Be strong enough, and a lot of good things follow.
mindset Friday Thought: Stupid Ideas Sometimes, stupid ideas are stupid. But many times, follow your gut. Coz your stupid ideas might be genius.
diet Even Magic Needs a Little Bit of Help it is a ritual. It is a daily reminder that they are focusing on their health. Starting the day off with this is a great way to check-in with their mind and body.
coaching How to Plank Hard Enough to Hold Up a Building The plank is one of the fundamental ways in which you re-train yourself to use your body the way it should be.
games Friday Thought: What was essential were finding an enjoyable activity, discovery, learning, fun, community (occasionally) and improving in skill without making that the focus.
diet Linear Progression, a Burrito, and How You Can Learn to Eat Less Linear Progression, a Burrito, and How You Can Learn to Eat Less
mindset Find Your Sweet Spot If I could turn back time and teach myself three concepts as a teenager, they would be (a) Introversion (b)Lifting weights (c) Self-awareness.
habits Whose Permission Do You Need? It keeps coming up but you keep finding excuses not to do it. You keep shoving it away. It comes along with a slightly queasy feeling in the belly. And you push it away some more. Coz it is not practical, you say. You have too much work. You have responsibilities.
dont quit Fear of the Start You are worried if you are gonna make a fool out of yourself. You are concerned that you might get hurt. You are unsure if what you are doing is good for you. You are a bit embarrassed at your current level of fitness and don't want to be judged.
quotes Friday Thought: Feb 25, 2022 If you look at the things you have or can do versus what is out there, you are always missing out on something.
habits Bleary-eyed and sleepy You went to bed late, only after midnight. You woke up at 5.30 am, thanks to your alarm. Do you go to the gym? Or do you turn it off and sleep in?
fat loss on Tantrums and Zero Progress You (think you) are doing everything right. But what the fudge?!!? It is okay to get annoyed and angry and feel helpless and throw a tantrum. But what next?
quotes Friday Thought: Feb 18, 2022 Not one thing about a workout is less than exciting, except your attitude toward it. How can a thing that offers so much, provides so much goodness and hope and exhilaration and esteem be dismal?
challenge A Place to Recalibrate If your exam went well, then your prep is on track. Your technique is solid, the amount of work you are putting in is ample. If your exam goes poorly ...
dont quit Highlight reels and your actions The best part is everyone has it as great and as sucky as you do. The worst part is everyone has it as great as you do and as sucky as you do. This means if you aren't getting towards your goals, it all comes down to your actions.
quotes Friday Thought. Feb 11, 2022 The best thing about rock bottom is the rock part. You discover the solid bit of you. That bit that can't be broken down further.
training is my sandbox for life Are You Stuck Being Busy All the Time?!?! I am not saying we stop working out or we stop having days where it is all Urgent + Important. But we need to shift the balance.
framework The Boring Truth But the truth of most matters has not changed in a long time. Most of the fundamentals about lifting and nutrition have been around from before I was born.
quotes Friday Thought - Feb 4, 2022 that does not mean you always go based on your gut. But for the over-thinkers out there, it is a tool to let your body-feel take the lead on things. Rather than drawing out a long list of pros and cons and that rot, just see how it makes you feel.
coaching Remove the option to change your mind Every time you fail, you give in to the pain becomes one more thing your log to solve for the next time. Shift your mindset, stop berating yourself about failures.
challenge Challenge yourself. But what comes after? You find something else that grows you and challenges you. Whether it is a path that forks off the main one or is tangential to it - as long as you connect with it. But one thing is clear - staying on top AND doing something else makes little sense.